- kick up one's heels
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English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
kick up one's heels — phrasal 1. a. : to show sudden extreme delight or energy inspired by such delight b. : to have a lively time had no time to take a holiday and kick up my heels when I came back from the war Rebecca West 2. slang : die … Useful english dictionary
kick up one's heels — idi kick up one s heels, to have an unusually lively, entertaining time … From formal English to slang
kick up one's heels — verb a) To dance. If a swimmer kicks up his heels and splashes the water, the judge will take points off accordingly. b) To relax; to enjoy oneself; to do as one pleases. Above the peals of laughter with which the words were received, rose Jakes… … Wiktionary
kick up one's heels — {v. phr.}, {informal} To have a merry time; celebrate. * /When exams were over the students went to town to kick up their heels./ * /Mary was usually very quiet but at the farewell party she kicked up her heels and had a wonderful time./ … Dictionary of American idioms
kick up one's heels — {v. phr.}, {informal} To have a merry time; celebrate. * /When exams were over the students went to town to kick up their heels./ * /Mary was usually very quiet but at the farewell party she kicked up her heels and had a wonderful time./ … Dictionary of American idioms
kick\ up\ one's\ heels — v. phr. informal To have a merry time; celebrate. When exams were over the students went to town to kick up their heels. Mary was usually very quiet but at the farewell party she kicked up her heels and had a wonderful time … Словарь американских идиом
kick up one's heels — have a good time, celebrate We really kicked up our heels at the Christmas party that we attended last week … Idioms and examples
kick up one's heels — phrasal 1. to show sudden delight 2. to have a lively time … New Collegiate Dictionary
kick up one's heels — N. Amer. have a lively, enjoyable time. → heel … English new terms dictionary
kick up one's heels — Enjoy oneself uninhibitedly … A concise dictionary of English slang
kick one's heels — verb wait or pass the time aimlessly or futilely; be kept waiting (Freq. 1) She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy • Syn: ↑cool one s heels • Hypernyms: ↑wait • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary